Tiny Israel is the worlds second terror state

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Når en finger peker på andre, så peker fire tilbake til en selv.

Norman G. Finkelstein (De Paul, Chicago) explains the odds set by the Israelis: you kill one of ours, we kill 400 of yours; and so on. The little terror state of Israel, nearly indifferent to world opinion, can keep on killing and growing as long as it’s backed up by the U.S. Prof Finkelstein outlines Israeli war crimes in Gaza and Lebanon and notes that Israel’s last war on Lebanon, intended to wipe out the Hezbollah, was “a disaster for Israel and a defeat for the U.S.” And like many in the U.S., Israelis are beginning to recognize that their governments lie to them as a matter of course.
(UW Parkside, Racine, WI; Nov. 9, 2006)

58min, 24meg quicktime, 28meg winmedia files below

IN PARTS 2 and 3, Finkelstein, speaking to the Racine Peace and Justice Coalition, offers a useful history of the Isreali-Palistine conflict as well as the «holocaust industry» which smears those who criticize Israeli policies as dangerous anti-Semites.

part1 1 hour, 45meg quicktime, 27meg winmedia files below

part1 2 hour, 43meg quicktime, 27meg winmedia files below

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