The Beast Has Risen

This video talk is a portion of a 1995 interview with American visionary artist Norbert H. Kox, in reference and response to his oil painting titled “The Venom of Therion” (Therion is Greek for Beast). The final painting in this clip is, “Control Towers: Cleopatra’s Needles,” a 2002 collaborative painting by William Thomas Thompson and Norbert H. Kox. Apocalypse House Productions.~

The United States and Great Britain are descendants Manasseh and Ephraim (sons of Joseph) and have inherited the title Israel, according to the Biblical promise and blessing. They are the genealogical descendants of the sons of Joseph, and have been bestowed the title of Israel, as a birthright pronounced on them by their grandfather, Jacob (Israel), while in the land of Egypt. According to prophecy this makes the English-speaking nations the true heritage of Israel.

In ancient times the Nation Israel was split into two, becoming the House of Judah and the House of Israel. Modern-day Israel is actually the House of Judah, while the US and UK are the House of Israel. Yair Davidiy, an Orthodox Jew living in Jerusalem, has proven this through his extensive research.

The two houses must re-unite in the last days according to Biblical prophecy. In order for this to happen they have to know who they are. The lost tribes of Israel are found, physically and geographically, yet, for the most part, they are still lost spiritually. When they come to know and admit who they are by heritage, they still need to find themselves spiritually to emerge from a jumble of acquired Babylonian religious beliefs. They need to come out from under the “traditions of men” and assemble beneath the banner of Yahweh Yesu.

The stark, singing, rooster crow at the end of this video is meant as a wake-up call screaming in our ears, to stir us from our deadening hypnotic sleep. The shrill screeching off-tune alarm is meant to stick in your mind reverberating all that you have heard.

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