Stikkord: zionism

Frankrike kriminaliserer anti-Sionisme

Prøvelsenes tidsalder har kommet over de kristne. Prøvelsene kommer fra et overraskende hold for mange, fra et sted de nesten ikke kan forestille seg. «‘Kristne’ sionister; De er årsaken til USAs tilbakegang. … De tok kontroll over kirkene og menighetene i Amerika. Amerika er blitt en hedningnasjon, fordi sionismen har tatt øynene fra Jesus og forandret evangeliet«, sier Rick Wiles, […]

Ursula Haverbeck about «The Greatest Problem of Our Time» ; Holocaust lies

“It becomes clear that the Holocaust is the greatest and most enduring lie in history. It was needed in order to finally complete the centuries-long struggle for world domination by the chosen people – that world domination was once promised to them by their god Yahweh and they believe in that promise firmly, it was their conviction. Whether we call them Zionists, Khazars, oligarchs or globalizers, it is the same. World Wars I and II were merely a preliminary stage for this achievement…»