A very good book of where the Caucasian Israelites comes from; Raymond F. McNair, KEY TO NORTHWEST EUROPEAN ORIGINS (1963). It is in the very name of our race; Caucasian, to where the Assyrians brought our forefathers into captivity in 740 B.C., as punishment for their sins (repeating today). The origin of the North European race. Highly recommended book linked […]
Stikkord: Saxons
The Trinity of Jewish World Control
This is the story how the Khazars and the Edomite jews hijacked The 10 Lost Tribe’s of Israels (Caucasians) nations Great Britain, Germany, Norway, the USA and the rest of Jacob-Israels decendants nations.
The Beauty of Norwegian Countryside; Under deCreation
Summer at Stadtlandet. West Coast. Norway
Evidence of real Israel in Bible Prophesy, and end times Holocaust
We are all Palestinians, and I can prove it. White Caucasian people is under the siege of the Synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2.9 and 3.9) calling themselves ‘Jews’, extreme Holocaust of Lost 10 Tribes of Israel in progress.
Tilbedelse av jøder som verdens messiaser?
Åpent brev til Ervin Kohn ved Mosaisk Trossamfunn. Det synest å være et påbud som under Lenin og Bronstein om å tilbe jøder istedenfor Jesus som verdens messiaser….(?). For kristne er valget enkelt.
Vårt opphav i det Hellige Land Israel
Det finnes noen få som har begynt å huske hvem de er som Israels Barn