Many claim the CPS (Child protection Services or ‘Barnevernet’ in Norwegian) is an isolated thing that happens to good people, because of a system ‘error’, but evil people in CPS could not continue if there was not evil peoples above them that allowed this to happen.
Stikkord: Richard Wurmbrandt
Anti-Christ, the Zeitgeist of Our Times
Henry Makow had an article about marxist Dalai Lama as Anti-Christ, that really put the things in good cognitive order for me, of the conspiracy of the satanists to destroy and re-invent our World in their own image (Bird Phoenix, rising from the ashes, as the painting/mural as gift from Norway in UN Security Council chamber (illustrate).
In memory of Pastor Richard Wurmbrand
Scandinavian kindness and Christian souls impregnated by the Spirit of Christ through 20 centuries have become their guillotines.