Jesus Kristus, min beste venn og Yppersteprest og Messias, han knuste dem for 2000 år siden. 2000 år utsatte hans frelsesgjerning deres Verdensrike planer…. han var seierherren, de klarte IKKE myrde ham, han hånte dem ved at Gud reiste ham opp tredje dagen, for å ha ALL makt i himmel som på jord deretter i all evighet (som profetert av […]
Stikkord: Jerusalem
The AntiChrist «king of peace» is in Jerusalem already
Many will be surprised, that the antiChrist «peacemakers» by some is called «gods’ chosen people…. when they turn out to be Satans Chosen People instead… (Rev. 2.9 & 3.9).
WAR! Those controlling Jerusalem, controls the World
Jesus won on Calvary. He is King of that city forever, of all the World actually, because those who control The Holy City, controls the World.
White Buses to Jerusalem
We’re considering setting up a company with the aim of sending white buses to Jerusalem where the Jews killed Jesus Christ, in memory of this extreme evil of killing innocents for the sake of the wordly Zion.. Wordly Zion = New World Order.
The Trinity of Jewish World Control
This is the story how the Khazars and the Edomite jews hijacked The 10 Lost Tribe’s of Israels (Caucasians) nations Great Britain, Germany, Norway, the USA and the rest of Jacob-Israels decendants nations.
Lion is Judah, the Lamb is Israel, united in Jerusalem
What is the sign of end times? “Beware not to be deceived”.
Løven er Judah, Lammet er Israel, forent i Jerusalem
Hva er tegnet på Endetiden? «Bli ikke forført».