Stikkord: Jarle English

Ukraine: New Jewish ‘Promised Land’ (New Khazaria)

From the early centuries of the first millennia, the Khazars of Eastern Europe were known as the diabolical “Serpent People” (Pastor Texe Marrs article). Growing DNA genetic evidence confirms that the Jews are not the clean descendants of Abraham (Esau racemixed with the Caanites). Instead, they came from Khazaria, of which Kiev, Ukraine is the capital.

Re-awaken Tour coming to Phoenix,AZ

Where I should like most to be in the World in the days to come, but that will not happen. Phoenix, AZ – January 14th & 15th. Full list below. What a fantastic event by Clay Clark @ The Holy Spirit will be packed here at this events. Imagine so much likeminded conservatives, like a party in ‘heaven’ to […]

From Atheist To Believer In Jesus Christ: How Jesus Cured My Eating Disorder

New year soon. Mariah Jones will have the say in my new years article. It is nice to meet persons online who shares similar experience, the baptism of the Spirit of Christ, also called the Holy Spirit… May many keep and find that Spirit in the year to come.. Jesus is coming to everybody who wants it…. nothing to wait for. Go for it, today !