Stikkord: From Genesis to Revelation

Talmudiske jøders siste runde med Sorcery bedrag

Norge har en svært interessant og viktig rolle i verden. Lyset fra Norden snakker Bibelen om. Jeg har en kompis som ranter gang etter gang, samme hvor mange ganger jeg sier det stemmer ikke, så sier han at snart kommer Jesus, og så skal tusenårsriket begynne. Nei, det er slutt, toget har gått, sier jeg. Neste gang er det ikke […]

Jacobs Trouble, The Holocausting of the Caucasian Israelites

A very good book of where the Caucasian Israelites comes from; Raymond F. McNair, KEY TO NORTHWEST EUROPEAN ORIGINS (1963). It is in the very name of our race; Caucasian, to where the Assyrians brought our forefathers into captivity in 740 B.C., as punishment for their sins (repeating today). The origin of the North European race. Highly recommended book linked […]

From the Welfare State to the One World Tyranny (NWO)

In the Christian Identity movement research we have seen that Odin was for the Nordic Israelites (Lost Tribes of Israel) what Moses was for our forefathers in captivity in Egypt, Odin leading them out of the Assyrian captivity, from Caucasus to the North, as Thor Heyerdahl traces those tracks in his last book before he died.

Caucasian Israelites; The People Who Shall Dwell Alone

In the Christianity Identity movement there seem to be a collectivist spirit, that all is saved because they are Israelites. Some seem to believe that salvation is a collective thing and not an individual blessing. So this is a mind trap, and we will see that most of the people what is promoting the collectivist view, is attracted to collectivist […]

Satan is set loose on the World

What is spiritual warfare actually? What does it mean? The Synagogue of Satan (Rev. 2.9 & 3.9), consisting and thriving under the leadership of Talmudic Babylonian fake Jews (Edomites/Khazars) from the mystery religions have got their time in the World to be dominant, so the wheat is to be separated from the tares (Matthew 13:29-30).

Mossad bak Utøya-terrorismen

Vi er alle palestinere og syrere. Syria angripes med bomber idag. Norge er også under angrep av Israel. Mange norske evangelisk såkalte kristne er medskyldig i det sekulær-ateistiske landet Israels angrep på Israels Barn av Naftali stamme i vårt land, ved å støtte terroristene moralsk og finansielt i årevis.