Stikkord: freemasonry

Albert Pike’s nihilists is going rampant in the West

Albert Pike was a 33 degree Freemason of the Scottish Rite, reporting directly to the Jewish mother lodge B’nai Brith (Illuminati). Luciferians today is using all possible means to make anarchy nihilism in our Western nations, to be the state of mind of the populations, they have actually become the darlings of the mainstream media to spew their disdain for […]

Frimurerne beordrer EU: Åpne grensene for «Immigrasjon ueber alles»

«Respekt for menneskerettighetene«, sier Frimurerne, som baserer seg på Den europeiske Unions «verdier av solidaritet og brorskap« er det tilstrekkelig grunnlag med den franske revolusjonens (anti-Kristne) ‘Erklæring om menneskerettighetene for medborgeren’ fra 1789 (Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen) som ligger til grunn for FNs verdenserklæring om menneskerettigheter i 1948.

CPS demonstration April 16th in Oslo for Freemasonic ‘Human Rights’

Hegelian dialectic, the ‘People’ demand the solution the people controlling the Deep State already have decided shall be the Solution. This is the occult in practise. People do not know that they are led as lambs to the slaughter, that the only viable option available, it seems, to get out of this, is to choose the pre-planned Solution.