Amalek was a nation described in the Hebrew Bible as a staunch enemy of the Israelites. The name «Amalek» can refer to the nation’s founder, a grandson of Esau; his descendants, the Amalekites; or the territories of Amalek, which they inhabited.
Stikkord: Edomites
Talmud-jødene planlegger sin Verdensorden, men husk vi er individuelt i Herrens hender
Veldig ondskapsfulle mennesker planlegger verdens fremtid. Mange mennesker skal komme til Gud (2 Chronicles 15:4, Amos 4:6), men mesteparten skal gå fortapt av sine valg, fordi de valgte å støtte det/de onde i verden.
110 Bibel Referanser Identifiserer de Sanne Israelitter (Kaukasiske Kristenheten) og de Falske (Edomittene, folkene forbannet av Gud)
Mange vil gjerne tro at «Jødene» aka Edomittene er Guds Utvalgte Folk, 100 års politisk sionistisk hjernevask har gjort det mot kristenheten. Men alt er løgn og bedrag. Jødiske edomittene var aldri utvalgt til annet enn å være Jesus Kristus og hans apostlers mordere, verdens største løgnere og bedragere
German guilt complex; The beginning of Jacobs Trouble
Shift in blame, from Jewish guilt killing Christ; from Jews to Germans. Jews created guilt complex in Germans (The Lion; Judahs Scepter and Joseph’s birthright, Caucasian leadership) to Holocaust the Lost Tribes of Israel and Judah in Europe, and their ancestry in USA and elsewhere.
Freemasons, Jews and King Salomos (Third) Temple
In my last article I was covering the connection between Jewry and Freemasonry.. Freemasons believe they are spiritual Jews, and they want to rebuild the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem where they freely can slay and sacrifice animals for their own sins. It is apokalyptic times we live in, as God promised (lifting of the veil, disclosures, Luk. 12:2).
WARNING: The Jews are heading for a fall
We see them all over the Internet and in mainstream media, the Jews fighting for their rights as ‘gods’ Chosen Ones, for themselves, if not for all else. Many people ask themselves; What ‘god’?
Satan is set loose on the World
What is spiritual warfare actually? What does it mean? The Synagogue of Satan (Rev. 2.9 & 3.9), consisting and thriving under the leadership of Talmudic Babylonian fake Jews (Edomites/Khazars) from the mystery religions have got their time in the World to be dominant, so the wheat is to be separated from the tares (Matthew 13:29-30).
Open Vacancies; 11 Apostles of Christ to fight the Jews
Who will sacrifice their comfort and reputation by in the Spirit of Christ assist in the spiritual war against the Jewish influence of our societies? Practically speaking nobody. We will have problems finding 11 persons dedicated to Christs Kindom on Earth, and oppose the Jewish New World Order
Evidence of real Israel in Bible Prophesy, and end times Holocaust
We are all Palestinians, and I can prove it. White Caucasian people is under the siege of the Synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2.9 and 3.9) calling themselves ‘Jews’, extreme Holocaust of Lost 10 Tribes of Israel in progress.