Signe Marie Fidje Store, ex New Age on the Wings of the Spirit

I rarely and never ask for help from my readers (for myself). I need nothing. Christ equips me with what I need. But now I’m going to do it. Girl from Tana in love with Jesus Christ. We can do some volunteer work to help increase her following, by please go to her youtube channel; subscribe, like and share and have a look at her other videos there.

The core of our beeing, finding true love with Jesus

Not many can do such excellent ambassador work for Jesus. She is good. We share an experience, and how-to find The Way (Acts 9:2; 19:9, 23; 22:4; 24:14, 22) where to find the source of LOVE in life. I know where she comes from, we have the same background. There is no priest or pastor who can beat the Holy Spirit who speaks through that girl. They cannot buy the Holy Spirit at the Theological studies at Universities I assume.

From New age and ayahuasca to Jesus

My view on ayahuasca as a born again beliver in Christ.

What ayahuasca can not do. Romantic love is good, much like the carnal primary schools initiation in personal eros love. The curriculum of learning about the essence of higher love even beyond agape love is worse, university level + practice – often paid for by pain and suffering, as the others experiences I have mentioned in recent days articles; The day Christ fills you up with , then you do not seek it outside yourself, in others to give you love. You have it in yourself. It flows outward. You need no one to love you back, you do not need the recognition of others, because it is your LOVE given to you by Christ, and you are the Master alone and decide where it is to be ‘channeled’ and used. It is received freely, and given freely.

«Love. Find it within yourself or you find it not.» – JJ.

Johnny Lee – Lookin’ For Love (1995)

No one can understand the real essence of love until they have experienced the excess of it, that it is inexhaustible. Not something one needs from anyone here, from other people. It is ‘channeled’ (I guess I’ll might get shouted at now for using new age vocabulary. I use to claim that the words are free, and that the new age movement does not have a monopoly on the word) through us from an inexhaustible supply.

What will the Holy Spirit tell ANY born again Christian

Those who are looking for love in others for themselves, they are no better than beggars. Have they not built up their own store of LOVE , which in my and these others cases described was given to us for free by Jesus Christ in personal «communion», they must build it up before they have something to give. For me my fill should be enough for the rest of my life. And I decide how that life force will be used.

Please also read about Mariah Jones

Obsessed with finding the Truth, it characterizes God’s people. For the seeker it shall be opened (Matthew 7: 7). It is very good some of us eventually found out:

Foreigner – ‘I Want To Know What Love Is’

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