Search Results for "stay behind"

Trump is for WW3 what Churchill was for WW2

They declared War on Germany March 24, 1933, they declare War on Syria/Iran/North Korea today, for Eretz Israel and because they want another World War (III), and make others fight the war for them. The Western powers was hijacked after World War 2. After that it have been downhill for the Christian populations and nations of Europe and USA, and […]

Trump as Nimrod; A Great Day for Conspiracy Nuts have Arrived

Today is the day to change the devotion of the masses to the other side, from Obama as worshipping object for the gullible masses, to Trump as a worship object for the gullible masses. Today is the day when conspiracy-nuts will try to explain why Trump wasn’t assasinated anyway, they will probably tell it was because of their exposing of […]

Christian White People, Celebrate. Time to go Home to Heaven

The Synagogue of Satan (Rev. 2.9 & 3.9) is out on their standard mode of mission to steal and murder. With the white Christian people gone the civilization is lost. Those with the Mark of the Beast, all the carnal animals on two feets will have their ShangriLa, to kill and murder, sodomy and anomaly, where the survival of the […]

Gog og Magog over Norge og Europa

Hvis jødene skal kunne få fortsette å bedra kristensionistene, så må de på ett eller annet vis få de forførte sionistene innen kristenheten til å fortsette i sin Scofield Bibel tolkning, fordi jødene kan miste oppmerksomheten når sionistene innen de kristne miljøer ser at Bibelens profetier oppfylles i sanntid, da vil de kunne oppdage sannheten. Derfor må nye løgner skapes […]

From the Welfare State to the One World Tyranny (NWO)

In the Christian Identity movement research we have seen that Odin was for the Nordic Israelites (Lost Tribes of Israel) what Moses was for our forefathers in captivity in Egypt, Odin leading them out of the Assyrian captivity, from Caucasus to the North, as Thor Heyerdahl traces those tracks in his last book before he died.