Engelske Artikler

Konspirasjonsartikler på engelsk

Christian America: Lost In The Wilderness

In the fall of 1846 a wagon train of settlers well on their way to California faced a critical decision: to take the tested northwest route or a shorter untested passage over the Sierras. A mountain man who described himself as an expert on the region suggested this alternative, and the settlers took his advice. But the «expert» did not […]

Jewish Anti-Christianity Intensifies

JEWISH ANTI-CHRISTIANITY INTENSIFIES AS CHRISTIANS IGNORE IT By Harmony Grant Attacks by Jewish activists on Christianity have never been bolder in the US than this past year. Some Jews themselves state this fact, such as Rabbi Daniel Lapin, who warns of his liberal brethren’s onslaught against Christianity. Zef Chafets, Jewish journalist and author of A Match Made in Heaven, recently […]

A New Look at the New World Order

A recent report on health conditions in Iraq, issued by an International Study Team, states that there has been a 380 percent increase in Iraqi child mortality. The authors emphasise that the sanctions imposed on Iraq are a violation of human rights and warn that the «Iraqi people» are the victims of «another weapon of mass destruction, the effective withdrawal […]

The Hidden Tyranny: The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview-1976

This booklet contains the text of a most revealing and shocking interview of a Jew by the name of Harold Rosenthal, which was conducted in 1976, by a concerned patriot, a Walter White, Jr.. Mr. Rosenthal, an influential Jew, learned in the Jewish ways and involved in the workings of government in Washington, D.C., explained the Jewish involvement and cause […]

The Zionist Conspiracy

I wrote the letter following «Jew Boy…» the day a single complaint arrived to the radio station, with the threat that the ADL would soon be contacted. The letter was provided in advance of the next day, of the time scheduled for the complainant to return for a recording of the questionable broadcast. The station manager refused to give the […]

Israel: A monument to anti-Semitism, by Greg Felton

Soon, delegates to the United Nations World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance will assemble in Durban, South Africa, and possibly debate a resolution equating Zionism with racism. That we should have to debate this issue in 2001 is regrettable, for the General Assembly has already decided the matter. On Nov. 10, 1975, it passed Resolution 3379, […]

Zionist power play a desperate, futile act, By Greg Felton

Throughout Canada, and indeed the world, a crisis of faith is destroying one of Western culture’s most deeply ingrained religions. Myths once thought to be sacred are openly profaned, and preachers are shouted down. Critical, informed debate of verities is now so rife on university and college campuses that the religion’s hierarchy is scrambling to mount a propaganda counter-offensive. Problem […]